This « small mission » with multiple goals took place one day at Mont Faron Zoo. Four animals were anesthetized, 3 hyenas and a puma. First, we refined the anaesthetic protocols, products and dosage, and checked latency lapses and length of somnolence. A dosage protocol was then established. Next, a new and more efficient ultrasound scanner was used, enabling us to compare images with those of our old instrument. There was a qualitative difference in images, ease of use, and in levels of greyness and of graininess.
Team CRESAM : Nunu-JM Elbaz- Xavier. Team Faron : Everyone (Jim, Corinne, brother Jim, Didier (son), caregivers, etc.) News : Vet Weekly, photography Var Matin during the day
Hyenas Radiated: 2 females and 1 male
Female1 (2 years old?): 32 kilos Anaesthetic K 1 ml – D 2 ml Asleep=8 min Length of anaesthetic > 2h. Both male and female needed to be anesthetized at the same time for access. Ideal anaesthesia depth for the dosage> 1H30 Quick awakening but>20 min. Repro-Frottis type metoestrus, the same as for dogs : intermediary cells, parabasal, little PMN, some GR – P4 in wait- stages of being in heat observed by wildlife park attendant 1 or 2 months ago – Ultrasound : ovaries show residue of large yellow substances on the two ovaries = same as in dogs
Female 2 (same age) Anaesthesia : same pathology – Presence of a bulky mass in skull region D but of >15 cm + peritonitis. Surgery was performed the same day by the team in the Corinne Clinic. Hepatic abscesses with adherence everywhere led to the decision to euthanize.
Male=2 years 38 kg Anaesthesia : K = 1,6 – D2,4 anesthetized for 8 min. Maintained > 1H20 without addition. Addition of 0,8 ml D to induce third stimulation, to be safe. Full anaesthesia for = female since they were together in the cage. Repro – Echo : prostate of significant size = dog in pelvic channel. Good visualisation by means of linear endorectal catheter or abdominal with rectal touching Test = Nunu to describe – Semen extracted through electro stimulation. Series : 2-2-3 : nothing Series = 2 – 3 – 4 : 0,5 ml liquid with spermatozoids on blade. Weak mobility shown and spinning. Series = 3 – 4 – 5 / Liquid in series 4 the same as first (0,5 ml) – Liquid in series 5 0,7ml with little spz. Very little spermatozoid for refrigeration or freezing.
PUMA (47 kg) 6 or 7 years old (requested by JM)
Note : the same as with the male cheetah followed by IM addition to the syringe to mix D – K. the result was stable anaesthesia and quick awakening. Difficulty of inserting catheter but OK in the end on the former. Saphenous incapable of being felt by touch. Commemorepro induction of being in heat and perfunctory copulation but no offspring, Repro exam. Frottis : to read. P4 waiting for echography : difficult to observe ovaries Uterus : clearly visible (0,6-0,8 mm) Same as in female dogs in anoestrus or end of metoetrus. Endometrium: edged regular hyperchogène and end, homogeneous myometrium isoechoic without cavity. Sample taken for vaginal bacteriology.
DISCUSSION OF FUTURE PROTOCOLS: There are many aging females that will not be suitable for reproduction. I think they would be ideal to study the synchronization of being in heat, with no risk. A list of felines with which we could work: age, reproductive status should be set up. Corinne and Jim have the motivation to cooperate in the protocols. An idea: for example 1.Caregivers: follow females in heat and when 2. Corinne : anaesthesia 1 : frottis, blood test and implanting progestogens 3. Corinne : anaesthetic 2 : implant withdrawal?, insertion of implant GnRH / eCG 4. caregivers: follow future females in heat 5. CRESAM : provides :frottis, echography…6….monitors ovulation or other If needed : I am in touch with two teams that could help us to administer hormones as needed. Alain knows them as well, evidently. (Vienna University) fellow member of Emmanuel Risi but not yet in direct contact
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